EIC Service Catalogue: How to choose a service provider

The EIC Service Catalogue is a centralised platform connecting EIC beneficiaries with specialised service providers. As EIC beneficiaries, companies can access tailored services from the EIC Service Catalogue and benefit from co-funding support of up to 50% for eligible services under the EIC ACCESS+ programme. This guide explains how to navigate the platform, find suitable service providers, and apply for support efficiently.

1. Accessing the EIC Service Catalogue:

  • Open the Catalogue: https://partnerservices.eismea.eu/.
  • Eligibility: The EIC Service Catalogue is exclusive to EIC Beneficiaries (EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition, EIC Accelerator participant) and a Seal of Excellence holders under Horizon Europe and is accessible to registered users through the EIC Community

2. Navigating the catalogue homepage

The EIC Service Catalogue offers access to 150+ organisations covering 440+ services, grouped into 12 categories: Acceleration, Incubation & Venture building, Support Fundraising, Matchmaking, Business Planning, Coaching & Mentoring, Access to Infrastructure & R&D Support, Intellectual Property & Legal, Internationalisation, Due Diligence, Prototyping & PoC, Human Resources & Talent, EIC Business Acceleration Services. 

The Menu and Search Bar

The Menu provides options to explore the platform by:

  • Service Catalogue – specific services; helpful when having a specific need in mind or for those who want to browse the available services.
  • Partners (service providers) – ideal for exploring service providers, especially when they offer multiple services.
  • EIC Business Acceleration Services – to access 11 EIC Business Acceleration Services (BAS) and 53 IP Due DIligence Experts (EUIPO) 
  • Search Bar – located on the right of the Menu bar, allows browsing the catalogue using keywords relevant to specific needs.

Discovering the EIC Service Catalogue by type of beneficiary: allows beneficiaries to find services tailored for the specific needs according to the programme and eligibility criteria for the services:

  • EIC Pathfinder beneficiaries.
  • EIC Transition beneficiaries.
  • EIC Accelerator beneficiaries.
  • Seal of Excellence holders.

Service Categories: presents the groups of services offered by the EIC Ecosystem Partners, according to the categories:

  • Acceleration, Incubation & Venture building, 
  • Support Fundraising, 
  • Matchmaking, 
  • Business Planning, 
  • Coaching & Mentoring, 
  • Access to Infrastructure & R&D Support, 
  • Intellectual Property & Legal, 
  • Internationalisation, 
  • Due Diligence, 
  • Prototyping & PoC, 
  • Human Resources & Talent, 
  • EIC Business Acceleration Services

All the service categories mentioned above are eligible for the EIC ACCESS+ co-funding scheme.

EIC ACCESS+ Co-Funding: provides information about the co-funding support offered by the EIC Business Acceleration Services (BAS) for services selected from the catalogue, under the EIC ACCESS+ project. Beneficiaries can find out more about eligibility, application processes, and financial coverage.

EIC beneficiaries can filter the services by Type of EIC beneficiaries, country, service categories, date of the service, sectors, Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and keywords.

3. Navigating the services

Access Service Details:

Each service has a dedicated landing page displaying:

  • Service title, provider name (access to the provider’s dedicated page to see information, other services they offer or visit their website), location.
  • Detailed description and financial requirements.
  • Service ID (important when applying for the EIC ACCESS+ co-funding).

Contact the service provider button on the individual service page: allows contacting the provider to clarify service details before applying for the service. A submission form will drop down where the inquirers can pose a question that will be sent to the EIC Partner offering the particular service. Inquirers should receive a response from the EIC Partners within 3 working days. If inquirers do not receive a response, the EIC Ecosystem Partnership Programme helpdesk can be contacted via eicpartnerships-helpdesk@eic-bas-eu

4. Applying for Co-Financing

EIC beneficiaries can access funding support to engage with EIC Partners’ services through the Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) scheme implemented through the EIC ACCESS+ programme. The steps for applying:

  1. Visit EIC ACCESS+ website: to find out about the co-funding scheme and download the necessary documents for applying. 
  2. Join the EIC ACCESS+ Community Hub to stay connected with other beneficiaries and service providers, and to access the application form.
  3. Application: EIC beneficiaries can participate in a permanent public open Call for Applications launched by EIC ACCESS+. During this stage, potential EIC beneficiaries should submit requests to access specialised services offered by EIC Partners on the EIC Service Catalogue or ask for support in the process of choosing the right service or partner through the helpdesk of the EIC Service Catalogue or at info@eicaccessplus.eu . 
  4. Prepare the documents for applying and fill in the application form available on the EIC ACCESS+ Community Hub. The application form requires information about Selected service and provider, Expected impact on your project, Estimated costs and timelines.
  5. Submit the Application: via the link provided in the EIC ACCESS+ Community hub. Double-check the application before submitting to avoid delays and ensure all  requirements are met.


Detailed eligibility criteria for applying for the EIC ACCESS+ grants can be found in the designated article

More information about the EIC Service Catalogue can be found in the EIC Beneficiaries’ Brief